Keith Roth The Law of Diminished Returns

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I so loved the rockin’ popping or is that poppin rockin’ of Keith Roth’s The Law of Diminished Returns. A guitar riff master delivering catchy tunes with solid heavy rock basics, the dozen here gives you your fill…and more.

There’s no ignoring how well Roth sets up his singular riffs to build these tunes on, the solid production here of each tune setting us into a deep rock groove with opening tunes like “I don’t Feel Like Thinking Today,” (a sentiment anybody could agree with) “Pain,” and “She Says Good Morning.” But when things turn funky on “Superfly,” the radio host/The Dictators and Frankenstein 3000 lead singer/guitarist, delivers perfectly on this, his debut solo album.

Yes, there are plenty of solid rock guitarist out there. Plenty more can mine and fine a riff or two. And lots can write a song. But Roth’s thirty years in the rock scene pays off here with his ability to wrap his songs around a riff but not just having that riff be the only meat-and-taters, not overstaying a tune’s welcome, (what I was very impressed with overall on The Law of Diminished Returns was that no song was drawn out too long just to get in another lead or the obligatory metal jamming) and the ability to actual write a tune, and at times, quite toe-tapping singable one’s at that.

For more info go here: Keith Roth. You’ll be happy you did.

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