Another Diner Good Time

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Once again, I happened into The Clinton Station Diner, 2 Bank Street, Clinton, NJ 08809, right off, and visible from, 78 West. And once again I was blown away. As much by the varied lunch options (see the picture here of just a small part of the lunch specials for the day…I didn’t even need to crack open the actual menu), as the size of the portions of the meals, the simply fantastic waitress, the delicious coffee, the scrumptious food, and…well, pretty much everything.

I am a big fan of this diner that was recently voted the “Best 24 Hour Diner in Northern New Jersey” (although, no mock on Clinton Station, but I know for a fact there aren’t many NJ diners open 24 hours anymore, see my piece on this here). But Clinton Station Diner, my dad’s favorite hands down and the person I stopped into lunch with just today (and pretty much my favorite…the diner and my dad, as he is my favorite dad), is fantastic.

As are diners, pretty much in my great state.

There used to be a time when New Jersey was littered with diners and the distinction of them being open 24 hours did not have to be made, they all just were. But like the ever-disappearing luncheonette, diners in NJ are not as ubiquitous as they once were, prices have gone up in those that survived the VID (pretty much like prices have gone up every place) and lots of the great old places have undergone renovations that have rendered them truly unrecognizable to the diners that they once were.

And, sorry to say, in lots of them, the food isn’t what it used to be.

This is not the case at Clinton Staton. It’s retained its diner charm, not to mention its famous train car. The waitresses and waiters have that great Jersey ‘tude you can’t describe unless you experience it (our waitress was smiley and sweet, but she was quick-witted, and had just the right amount of sass…true Jersey). The array of desserts made on premises will be your wonderful undoing and you get at this diner, what one so doesn’t get many other places, real value for your dollar.

So, here again, I am praising the NJ diner experience, via the Clinton Station diner. 

Thanks for a great time CSD.

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