Bag Man

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Bag man.

Bag man.

Got da most in da land.

Do what I can.

For the greater good of man.

I’m a bag man.

Bag man.

Ok, by even the most liberal estimates (and I use the word ‘liberal’ here for a reason) my basement is now overrun by the things. If the point was to make some solid strike to helping the NJ ecology, it seems the bag ban has failed terribly in increasing the amount of bags I now have in my home, the backseat of my car and in my life. Also, I, like lots of people, have taken to hoarding those plastic bags of old because they are so rare, and unlike these bigger canvas supermarket bags, are much more useful for everyday stuff.

So, bag man, bag man, I do what I can can, to help the ban ban.

As I blogged here and  here, maybe the ban isn’t turning out to be all the lawmakers first thought it might be. All I know is, I am overrun with them (and by lots of accounts, supermarkets are seeing a great new revenue stream from selling reusable bags with their logos on them.

So, bag man. Bag man, I’m a bag man. That’s what I am.

I’m not so big on reactionary measures, virtual signaling, following policy simply because some supposed majority thinks it is the way things should be or indeed, following one political POV over another (and if you don’t think something like a bag ban as much as attempting to keep abortion out of Federal considerations is not political, then I think you might need to remove the metaphorical bag from your head!). So often we see (and I fear we will see it even more with what was floated across the globe during the pandemic that had people scrambling in fear) people jumping to act on or agree with what social media says or what some politician or theologian they love spews, without using the critical thinking we all can call up from time to time, but hardly ever use anymore.

To be fair, probably all the studies on this bag ban, good or bad, are not in yet. But for years we have ignored the truth about recycling and as I look around my basement office space even now, I know the bags are slowly bellowing to get me to stop writing thi…


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