There was the ballyhoo made of her weight loss. The break-up pain she revealed in interview and in song over her marriage splitting. The on-again/off-again of her Vegas residency, and now, in that residency, her collapsing on stage from sciatica pain. She has admitted to problems with alcohol and some mental health issues; um, is it me, or does it feel like Adele is a lot of a lot?
Look, I know this is the way it is with celebrities. Despite the number of folks they encounter ‘on the daily,’ the amazing places around the globe they get to travel to and work in, their world is small in its way, and they kind of have to be all about what they are doing 24/7. This mind set grows a microcosmic view of things where Twitter and Instagram seem to be actually waiting for your next tweet and post. A life like this engenders drama; how could it not? But some celebs seem to either have the weight of the world on their shoulders (and I make no pun here when I mention weight in a blog about Adele) or seem to throw it around more than others.
And I know sciatica is a bitch.
I guess it bores me, whether it is an actor walking a picket line (have they even a reason to), some singer complaining about the brown M&M’s in their backstage bowl, a talk show host exhibiting bad behavior in a restaurant, or just having to hear once again about the heartache you happened to make millions from, or someone not only getting away with assault on live television but then going on to win an award that very same night, or some politician complaining about having to extend a hand across the imaginary isle with a political opponent.
Suck it, the f up man! You have no idea how great you got it and really, we don’t care about your stuff. We all have to get out and about, back pain or worse.
Is It Me, or Does Adele Seem To Be A Lot of A Lot?