Ah, Canada….Lead Us To Rick’s Cabaret New York

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Did you happen to see the Foo Fighter’s frontman Dave Grohl thanking Canada for their inventions and imports during his 2023 Super Bowl commercial (see it here)? Well, old Dave might not be thanking our northern neighbors right about now, seeing as we have been suffering from the remnants of wildfires burning like, well…like wildfires in Quebec. The prevailing wind wisdom is that we will soon get more of these ashy red skies around New York/New Jersey way. But seeing as we are all pretty sick and tired of having had to stay indoors for the past few years and surely learning during the VID how much we missed socializing, it will be hard to get folks to stay indoors, fire-ashy red skies or not. As we indeed all found, humans need to be out and about amongst our betters. 

And you’re not likely to find better than the women who populate one of the country’s top gentlemen’s cabarets and a certain bright spot in New York City, Rick’s Cabaret NYC.

Boasting four levels housed in a 10,000 square foot space, a top-rated steakhouse, and during the course of an average day, over 100 of the world’s most beautiful ladies sauntering through the space, really could one think of a better spot to get out from under the Canadian heat? And into some American-made sizzle? What better reason to visit, have a drink, and maybe throw some money around than to thrust one’s chest out at another seeming disaster that comes to rob us of our freedoms (or just our ability to walk around sniffing the air)?

We need to embrace what we took for granted for so long and were robbed of for nearly three full years. And the way we do that, as much as we embrace family members and agree to every outing, we also indulge, especially with literal flames on our heels.

One can undoubtedly indulge across the river in mid-Manahhet at Rick’s Cabaret New York.

You shan’t be cooling down any though, just sayin.’

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