McDonald’s Gives Me A Reason To Live

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Living in northern NJ as I do, I can only speak to the daily goings on around me…when I pay attention enough to what’s going on around me. So, I have to only guess that all McDonalds are following suit to what the local like-named restaurants around me are doing. Right now, McCustomers (see what I did there?) can chose one of six collector’s cups (and I bolded that word for a reason as you will read in a bit) when buying an adult happy meal.

The picture up above is the one I went for; I am a huge Coke memorabilia fan.

Then I read this: Why Are McDonald’s Customers So Upset About New Collectible Cups? ( where someone is complaining that the cups are not glass. Yes, I admit I was disappointed myself on this fact, but the word ‘cup’ (see this is why I bolded it up above) is not defined as having to be made of glass.

A cup can be made of glass as well as it could be of a bunch of other materials.

Yes, you have read here aplenty how much I compare the past to the present, and how the former always comes up better to me than the latter. But in the case of this plastic Coke cup I don’t feel particularly Mcripped off. I like the cup enough. I’ll put it right along with my Hardees Looney Tune character glasses and a fantastic Halloween-themed Peanuts glass my good buddy Bob bought me recently…which I use all the time, not just during October.

Yes, I am a nut for this stuff. Boarding on being a slight hoarder, I do like to collect. I have a bunch of toys still from when I was a much younger buck, I do amass items even this late in the game that I fit and fix into what could loosely be called collections, and when something like this new McDonald’s cup comes my way, glass or not, I want to grab it.

And, so I have. So, I will enjoy it. So, I won’t complain it ain’t glass.

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