More Books Baby

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In my ever forward progress for world domination (or simply to feed my legend-in-my-own-mind delusions) I get a tickle myself you-know-where (no, I shan’t tell you where, exactly) when another something or another of mine, is published. This time I can brag about eight new Kindle releases from the House Of Erotica book imprint in the UK.

You can get to them each by clicking on the titles below, but they are for adults only.

The Beard, The Card Game, The Secret Picnic, This Time With Barry, A Good Talking To, The Lady and Her Nécessaire Up and Over with Liv… and a Little Bit with Diana and 3 Weeks.

I have told you often about never burning a bridge; I don’t even light a match near expanses. In this case, House of Erotica is an imprint of the huge Andrews UK, a publishing company from across-the-pond from me where in New Jersey, that publishes a whole bunch of stuff… and not just books. I had placed stories in a couple of the company’s anthos in the past (a tale I have told often) and reconnected for these eight they just released as well as a compilation of these they will put out soon.

Plus, some more news of a completely different kind of book(s) from another one of their imprints.

For any of you ‘out there’ working your brand, looking to get notice, build a career, all I can advise from my humble little place in the universe, is keep at it, plug away, traipse down whatever avenue feels like it might get you some traction, even if in time it comes to a dead end. Just keep trying. You never know from where your next connection will come or what one of them will bear fruit.

So, onward and upward. And if you are of a mind, give the above one or two a clickity-click. You might just enjoy them,

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