Celebrating International Women’s Day

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It’s International Women’s Day as I write this (3/8/2023) and I’d like to take the time to celebrate the women of this world:

Here’s to the cooks who make our food, whether in restaurants, schools, camps or at home. How could we survive without your culinary skills, your care and love in putting our meals together to making sure we all eat…and survive.

Thank you to the cooks.

Here’s to the nurses who keep us well. Surely during COVID we all had a need of your caring and acumen like we never had before. But up until that point, tending to patients in hospitals, ER centers, and doctor’s offices was so often a thankless job. But without our nurses our cultural health would be so much worse.

How many people are alive today because of these angles in white?

Let’s tip our hat to the teachers and librarians, ladies who feed us knowledge, who nurture learning, who come to class or a room full of books everyday hoping to see the light of recognition in a child’s eyes as they experience new vistas and points of view.

Here’s to the maids, babysitters and prostitutes. Here’s to the clerks, waitresses and secretaries. How about to all the dressmakers, make-up, hairstylists and stewardess.

And, of course, a big thank you to the most important woman-job we could never actually manage to thank enough…to our mothers. Without you receiving and then growing your man’s seed, keeping us safe in your temple-of-a-body for nine months, then feeding and caring for us as we grow from helpless babies to toddlers to young children to teens (and beyond) we would never stand a chance of becoming the people we have become.

To all of you ladies, and more, we celebrate International Women’s Day.

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