Driving in NJ

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Have you tried driving up or down 287 lately? You take your death in your steering wheel with all the cars speeding and cutting in and out of traffic on this road, pretty much any time of day. I know our roads are full of wacky drivers, but 287…forget it!

Have you driven on the parkway recently? There has come, yet again, another toll hike.

Did you hear about the recent bill that has just been advanced in the NJ legislature, that would bring a five-year automatic gas tax hike and a new $250 fee on electric and other zero-emission vehicles?

And we all have heard about the coming New York “congestion pricing,” right?

And we all have been paying sky-high gas prices of late to use our cars.

Add in our high car insurance costs and registration/license fees. Pothole and other damage that never really seems to get repaired on our roads. And then from my own perspective—a few months ago, I received a ticket on my one-way dead-end street for parking my car in front of my house, parallel to the curb, but facing the wrong way (a law I still don’t understand the logic of) and I have to wonder, that into the mix of all our other driving problems, are our tirelessly working police (and police I have the highest respect for) being forced to chase after violations that can’t possibly rate on the radar against all of the speeders we have flying through the state (287 and beyond).

I have lived in New Jersey my entire life. I love this state. I will never live anywhere else. But man, it is getting harder and harder to drive here. I don’t much complain about the congestion of our traffic, as I know we are a heavily populated state, and I chose to live here. But I do question some of the stuff above and wonder how it consistently makes driving worse by the day here in the Garden State.

Be careful driving out there. The life you might save….might just be mine.

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