NEW BOOK RELEASE: Ivy and Zo’s Homemade Recipes: Crockpot Dog Food.

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One-half owner/editor/writer and creator of this blog (decidedly the prettier, and in all but a very few instances, the smarter) has published a book with her husband called Ivy and Zo’s Homemade Recipes: Crockpot Dog Food. What Lisa and Aaron present here is a diet the couple began with homemade dog food they fed their boxer dog siblings from when the pups were six months old. 

The dogs were beginning to show the symptoms of some health concerns, and since Lisa and Aaron had had boxers before, they knew it was time to change their dogs’ food from kibble.

Researching the amounts of protein, vegetables, starches, and how much Ivy and Zo needed to be fed for their weight, Lisa (who provides the photography in this 25-page book) co-authored with Aaron a bunch of great recipes to feed dogs better and in the end see health benefits they could never have imagined.

In addition to the recipes, Lisa and Aarons supply some good additional suggestions as well as nutritional facts and even snack options.

Plus, there are those photos of the food and of Ivy and Zo eating. 

I will admit here, and now I do not have any pets. I never have. And quite frankly, I am not a dog or cat, bird or fish person. I just am not plugged into the pet culture in any way. That said, I am sickened by those terrible commercials showing pet abuse (some of the worst human criminal acts as far as I am concerned), and I have lots of friends who have, adore, and will always do the best for their non-human family members. I have known Lisa and, by extension, Aaron longer than any of us want to admit, and while I will wax sardonic across this blog and in many other places about many aspects of life, even taking a stab at pet ownership from time to time, Lisa and Aaron are two people very passionate about the dogs they share their life, and they are a couple always interesting in learning. 

 For those of you who love your dogs or just want a good quick read about an aspect of nutrition you might not have considered, pick up Ivy and Zo’s Homemade Recipes: Crockpot Dog Food here

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