World premier of “Safe Words” From Murder of Fireflies

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Once again, we get another fantastic visual/audio feast from some awfully creative folks in this new visual media posting from Mitchel Johnson’s Murder of Fireflies electronica project. The video for the song “Safe Words” (see below) had its premier this week. And the song will be added to the Luis Royo and Romulo Royo exhibit at Harry Mohney’s Erotic Heritage Museum Las Vegas. This exhibit has had Murder of Fireflies music attached to it from its inception.

The credits for the stunning visual work done here are:

Concept and Editing: Victoria Hartmann

Intro Animation: George P

Content: Thomas Gellert Anita Chavan Treedeo lucadp

Tickling across the other writing I have done here about music, one might get the quick impression (if one got any impression at all from my weak attempts at scribbling something even half-way meaningful) that I am a dyed-in-the-wool crusty old so-and-so, not so very prone to anything made within the last fifty years or so. As I told the makers of this piece (and they well know about me anyway) I don’t dig music video and I am not a fan even of electronica. But pretty much from the jump, I dug Murder of Fireflies, as well as all the music Mitchel Johnson creates. And I a big fan of the safe sex-positive space that is the Erotic Heritage Museum and the people there. And I do think the world of Dr. Victoria Hartmann. But even with all this affection pouring out my…well…pours, I am not an easy audience. Or, more precisely, I am a jaded one, not usually amiable to new sounds (and again, never EVER video). But I love this “Safe Words,” clip and I so dig the tune.

I especially love what M.J. did with the drums here.

So, feast your ears and eyes on “Safe Words,” from Murder of Fireflies:

And see more of Mitchel’s stuff here: Murder of Fireflies – Safe Words (Official Video) (

. And if you are ever in Las Vegas, get your buns down to the EHM.

And tell them I sent you.

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