Gettin’ Juicy With It
With National Kink Day, just passed on Oct 6th, and the surely sensuous All Hallow’s about to be upon us, what better time of year to enjoy our Juicy Bits: Erotic Stories of BDSM, Kink and Fetish
Sarcasm, Whit and Maybe Truth
With National Kink Day, just passed on Oct 6th, and the surely sensuous All Hallow’s about to be upon us, what better time of year to enjoy our Juicy Bits: Erotic Stories of BDSM, Kink and Fetish
When Metal Allegiance first came together in 2014, no one could have guessed that ten years later, we’d be planning this anniversary show.
With the release of the upcoming Invincible Shield, and the band powering through performances like they just delivered at Power Trip, there seems to be no stopping Judas Priest.
It’s less the knives or even the bizarre dancing (which we have certainly seen before) of Britney Spears’ latest video posts that worries me.
We go where the work is. We don’t muse around waiting for the muse. Therefore, I find myself writing lots of stuff for lots of reason and with lots of clients.
The show, directed by Joe John Battista, with original music by Peter W. Dizozza, is running now until 10/15….so you best get your ass out to see it!
Spread the loveThis is getting way out of hand for me. Maybe living here in N.J. I come in contact…
Am I complaining about the same thing, in how it relates today, that everyone my age begins to rail against, mainly, that what I once cared about, needed, and enjoyed has become obsolete, pretty much as I have?
Richmond, VA-based rockers Red Reign take 80’s influences and steer them in a more contemporary direction – bridging the sounds of yesterday and today.