It’s NOT All About Me…Really

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As you have read here plenty, I am of two minds when it comes to social media-ying. On the one hand, I like to write. I write all the time. I write in the rain, on a train, even eating green eggs and ham. So, I will write blogs posts pretty much for anybody, anywhere, anytime. But I do not like blowing my own rams too loudly, if at all. I take pen to paper here metaphorically speaking, to try and entertain first and foremost. If I can hip you to a cool place in New Jersey to check out, can elaborate on some odd news in my beloved home state or showcase a band or theatre event, fantastic. But I really do not like writing about little old me and my accomplishments….even though I love to write and do it all the time.

When I do write about little old me, it’s usually to champion a collaborator or the publishing house that put out that book. I love to spread the good word about people I care about and as I say…me talking about me kinda makes me sick.

Here’s something I feel might fall into my ethos (or I hope it does), this new Authortunities posting.

I receive this wonderful weekly update of where to send writings from the good folks of this newsletter and site. And as much as showcasing the latest writer’s guidelines and website/publications’ call for submissions, they run the latest good fortunes of writers….a very sweet thing to do, actually. If you read down the link above you will find a paragraph elaborating on some of my latest book publishing accomplishments…all with a semi-local publisher (out of Easton PA) Parisian Phoenix Publishing, who, in my case, happens to publish the children’s books I write as much as has published my writing memoir and an antho I contributed to and edited (these last two of an adult nature).

So, here I am trying to get some press for Parisian Phoenix, Authortunities, my partner/illustrator/creator of the children’s series, Joe S. as I slip in a little ballyhoo, about me. I hope you will forgive myself self-aggrandizement. It really, is so unlike me.

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